Block width in iPad and phone views vs. column grid

My first post–I’m a noob just using Webflow for my own site.

I have a layout for my homepage looking OK so far. But in the iPad view, column 1 extends beyond the viewport.

When I go to put in a width for a class for the iPad view, I get a message saying I should instead adjust the column widths while keeping to the Webflow grid system.

How do I fix this? Please see attached image. Thank you!

Here’s my share link: Webflow - Doug Coe

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Welcome to Webflow!

On your desktop view you will want to set you width on “div home box” to a max width of 1200px and set the width to auto or 100%.


@AlexN - Thank you for the quick and helpful reply!

I’ve made that change, which seems obvious in retrospect, but live and learn.

I have several other questions after that one. For starters, I can’t find in the Help etc a good clear explanation of what Global, non-Global, and Combo classes are, and how to pick one of several that are applied to an object to edit.

Where can I find good info on all that? It would be a big help. Thank you!

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