Blog Tags - Tedious Process

I currently have a client who is wanting tags at the bottom of their blog posts. The issue that we are having is the process of adding those tabs in a collection. In the current setup you have to write the blog, create the tags and then go back to add the tags in.

Has anyone experienced this, or know a better way so that we can just enter the tags on the form when writing the blog?

We need to tags to link to a dynamic page showing all of the products that when clicked on a certain page would display.

I am still working on it, but any tips would be appreciated.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

If you have a blog, where new tags will be adding constantly, I do not see the other way to do this :confused:
TAGS should be a separate dynamic collection for being able to have a dynamic page for each tag.

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