Exporting to backend developers

Hey guys,

I am near finished the front end work on my future web app. I am wishing to know how simple webflow is for back end developers to get there head around. Do i need to provide any information for them to make the onboarding process quicker?

I am going to be using AngularJS in combo with Ruby on Rails as the framework and would like to hear some feedback on previous people who have exported out to a developer, were there any hiccups? As most devs like to use bootstrap.

Many thanks!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

@bwalls1992 - great question! I do freelance work all the time, and I always use Webflow to prototype and provide the CSS/HTML to my developer (who is a close friend to me). I called him up and asked him before proceeding to hand him over the front-end UI if this would be an easy/clean code that he could use. He had no hesitation in letting me know right away that this would work perfectly. As a front-end web designer I asked him again just to make sure, the project went perfect and the customer was ecstatic with the end pieces.


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