Fixed footer interfering with the rest of the page's interactions

Hi I’m having a problem making the footer fixed at the bottom of the page.
I used the instructions that I found in this forum:
It worked perfectly. I wrapped everything in one div and the footer in another. However, once I did that all of my interactions for the rest of my sections don’t work. Most of them are scroll in interactions so you just dont see any elements appear in those sections. Why is that? and what can I do to fix it? Thanks so much in advance.

Here is my public share link:

Hi Keren,
Nice site, like your hamburger icon! :wink:

Its very easy!
#1 First get äll sections out of Section “everything” and delete “section everything”
#2 Give all secion a px high in case of %
#3 Then give home section Nr. 5 a Bottum margin" of 320 pixels

3 minutes work! :wink:


Hi Koen,

Thanks so much! It fixed it except now all the elements in the footer are overriding everything else. How do I fix that? and thanks again for all the help.

Set the home-sections on positon “Relative”.

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