How to add div code to website

Hey guys I realize this is probably a pretty easy question, but I am a mostly visual Webflow guy and not a straight coder.

Question: How do I add this code to a webflow page?

<div id="idxStart" style="display: none;"></div>
<div id="idxStop" style="display: none;"></div>

I tried an embed and I also tried creating two div boxes, each with the id= and style= … But neither worked.

I am attempting to to use idxco, with a “saved link” dynamic url for customized content that wraps the IDX Broker Search.

Links: Live test page:
Shared Link:

Here is a pic of the idxco backend if that helps: 2015-12-17_1059
Any help would greatly be appreciated!!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)


I think you also need to pull in a JS file that will do something with those two DIVs. Is there a setup documentation you can show us?

Thanks Pixel Geek. I reached back out to them and found out that it is indeed working, I just misunderstood. Basically idxco takes the page and uses it as a wrapper. So the result is actually on Unlock Your IDX Account … notice the url.

Pretty cool but now I will have empty/useless webflow pages that will be published. They advised using a “no index” meta tag for each of those pages. Any idea if there is a better option?

If not good to close this. Thank you so much for the support!!!

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