How to build (long) basic table in Webflow

Hey everybody! A client of mine needs a basic table that would look similar to this screenshot, which is what they have now.

I did a search in the forum, and found this forum thread.

I took @thesergie’s advice and generated a table and tried to embed it, only to find out that the embed has a 5000 character limit! :disappointed_relieved:

The list of data I need to display is long, and I’m really not digging hand-copying the text into divs… :confounded:

Any help in figuring out what to do (or workarounds) would be appreciated!

I don’t think you can do anything other than insert all the data onto Divs by hand. :confused:

You can either:

Embed a spreadsheet, or

Host the code for the table elsewhere and embed using an iframe, or use JavaScript to fetch and render the table.

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