How to disable a Webflow form so it uses custom code?

You would have to build your own success / fail message.

Well… I guess you could tie your action to the website success / fail message with the id…

  • I just haven’t had the time to try.

As usual my plate is full. It’s counter-production to complain that people want to hire you :smile:

I’d recommend searching the net for javascript form submit / onsubmit.

The js call would be used in the action of the form tag below.


<form name="myform" omsubmit="some_action();">

If you have a php server… just call a php script and have the script send the message out or write to a the db.

Only thing you have to worry about the validating the data. This is where someone could inject malicious code into your form submit. is a good resource for just about everything.