How to get footer to stick to the bottom of the page or (sticky-footer)?

Hi @gschultz. I found a code snippet in this topic: that might help you make sure the footer sticks to the bottom of the browser window even if you don’t have enough content on the page. The code is from @bart
Place the following in custom code (footer code):

<script> $(document).ready(function() { /* vp_h will hold the height of the browser window */ var vp_h = $(window).height(); /* b_g will hold the height of the html body */ var b_g = $('body').height(); /* If the body height is lower than window */ if(b_g < vp_h) { /* Set the footer css -> position: absolute; */ $('.footer').css("position","absolute"); } }); </script>

Make sure the container or div that holds your footer elements is named footer, publish your site and see if it works.