Nav menu not right on smaller displays (inc. iPad) - Cuts off the content on the bottom


The nav menu on the site displays perfectly on large screens, but on smaller displays including ipad landscape, it’s not quite right on the bottom - It’s as if there’s too many nav links on the menu so what needs to be done I guess is to squash the nav links together a bit on smaller displays.

Any help appreciated.


Here is my public share link:
(how to access public share link)

Hi, I’d appreciate a hand with this if anyone has any idea.


Hi, @alunj92

Could you please update your post with read-only link so we can help you faster?
How to share a read-only link:

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:


I would suggest making top and bottom padding for the nav links equal 1.2 vw (in the desktop mode). Then it will depend on screen size and will shrink a bit for the iPad landscape.


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