Quick cover image question


Can I get clarifcation on something please.
On my site:

I have the background image of the woman positioned exactly as I want it using the Position preset. Except I’ve noticed I don’t have Cover selected. The image is 1440px wide and I’m worried screens with wider resolutions will have blank spaces at the sides of the screen, is that the case?

If it is, any way to use Cover but have the woman positioned where she is at the moment (so she’s not blocking the headline and sub head copy)

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Hey there!

You are correct, not having cover selected for this image will cause most desktop monitors and some newer laptops to have white edges on the side.

I would reccomend having the image set to cover, and use the position preset of middle left. This will make sure the image is always displayed from the very left edge while still having the image stretch to fit all sizes of monitors. (see below)

Most people will have a screen big enough with these settings that the woman wont be under the headline.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi @jaidenraleach

Thanks very much for clarifying. I’ve done your suggestion and moved the headline and sub head above the logo and it looks much better now.


My pleasure Graham!

Glad it worked, and the site is looking great :thumbsup:

Cheers, thanks again for all your help with this!!

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You’re very welcome!
Happy Webflowing!

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