Safari Browser Ghost Social Media Buttons

Having a hard time figuring out why the Social Media Buttons fail to display on my Safari Browser

Safari Browser Designer Dashboard

Safari Browser Designer Dashboard (Xray)

Safari Published

I tried seeing if this same problem would occur in another browser, and surprisingly it did not.

FireFox Broswer Desginer Dashboard

Mobile Published

Baffled by the results, I sent in an email to Support, and surprisingly everything seems to be working fine in their Safari Browser

Webflow Support Safari Browser

At this point, I’m scared, confused, and lost… At least for my Safari Browser sake. Please help!

Safari Version

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @mcmlxxx8 I took a look at your site and was able to see the issue in my Safari browser. I noticed that your browser version may be a little outdated.

Can you try upgrading it to the latest version? I’m using 9.1.2

Or maybe you’re using an Ad Blocker?


I firgured it out. It wasn’t my ad blocker but another extension closely related. Thanks for your brain power people!

1 Like

Really nice to see such valuable information being shared. One thing I would like to add is that there are tools available as well that allow streamlining of social media analytics through their dashboards integrating all major social media tools. Do check one of them out

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