Sprite, making it SLIDE SIDE TO SIDE


I’m experimenting here without using the SLIDER because I wanted to customize the NAV BUTTONS.

What I have is this:

  1. A sprite image with 4 frames
  2. Four buttons for navigation

My first issue is that I cannot load the SPRITE in the div container by just showing one frame, instead, it will squeeze the entire sprite.

Second, is there a way to slide each image (offset according to X coordinates for every button I created?

Here is my public share link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/interactions-tutorial?preview=2f05b73708c0b9c66f5a066bfe6a8ba7
(how to access public share link)

You can already customize slider component buttons. Don’t reinvent the wheel.

all right. was wondering if there is a way to customize the DOT NAVS? like replace them with photos?


Yes, but the only way is to write custom CSS to override them, as you cannot select each button individually in the designer.

thank you @samliew that makes sense

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