2 Navbars on top of each other: Drop-down menu Z-Index issue

Hello everyone,

I’m looking for a solution, because on a page I’m creating, I need 2 Navigation menus.

The first one is the main navigation
The second one is the sub navigation

On Mobile view, when opening the main navigation, it drops-down under the sub navigation menu.
How can I tell the main navigation to always drop-down OVER the sub navigation menu ?

To understand this issue, please open the website in Mobile mode (shrink your browser’s window to the point where it display the burger / drop-down button)
Page concerned:

Public Link:

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I made both navbar & sub-navbar have their own z-index 1000 and 999 respectively. Check this page for clear example I made http://livehelper.webflow.com/#twonavbar You can find its public link on the page to observe its detail.

Hope it helps.




This solved my issue!

Thank you so much for your time!!!