A dynamic before and after slider!

share link to img slider testing page where I tested 2 codes:

I olsow made it clonable so you can see all the code:

I found a solution. it is probably not the best one but it works. On all browsers and for dynamic contentā€¦ I only hate the styling so I will work on that but here is the link. It is a different code. I could not solve it with the twenty-twenty code.

here you see a result:

and here you can find the code:

Your share link doesnā€™t seem to work like your BESA AG project. Can you share your project or make something cloneabke that works please?

I am trying to embed some text along with the images, but the slider always shows the text, regardless of where the slider is positioned.

Some Green Text <img src='green image> </div> <pre><code> <div class = "purple side"> Some Purple Text <img src='purple image> </div>

While the images slide and cover each other up, the current solution aways shows the Green Text and the Purple text divs.

Anyone know how to edit so the text bock is covered up too?

What an awesome contribution.

Would this work with 3 layer solution like this:

Hi anybody been able to get this before and after widget working smoothly with the CMS and dynamic pages?

Iā€™d pay someone for their time if they have figured it out.


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For anyone still looking for a solution, I posted a separate topic and turns out it just needs a space in between the 2 curly brackets! The slider is now working on a CMS page :raised_hands:t3:

hello there, i doesnā€™t work for me! can u explain me what i have to do? i copy and paste it but nothing comes to new porject.

Is there any way to change the text of the ā€œBeforeā€ and ā€œAfterā€ labels?
Capture dā€™eĢcran, le 2022-05-11 aĢ€ 12.46.35