A fully finished and responsive site made completely in wefflow

Some functional options:

  • A complete user registration function with multilevel popups (Click on Registro de Usuarios and just try all the links)
  • A complete forum for question and answers.
  • A fully functional accordion system (with click and hover effect)
  • A user custom drop down menu that works on hover effect
  • Custom tabs that changes on mobile resolution (Home only)
  • Submenu system for smartphone that slide from left to right when click on the down button, only on subpages.
  • Paypal donation system that works! (u can donate if you want ;))
  • A custom page not found (error 404)
  • A lot more!

Navigate the pages:

Just try to click all the links you can inside the pages for any kind of error. Some of the link are for simulation only, becausen the site is in programming phase.

Maybe the design of the page is not of your like, because is a portal that will be used for many people for the accountant area, but it has many funtional options, and u can take all the ideas u want.


Hey are you able to enable the Webflow Public Link so we can see how you built it? Lots of cool things happening. Great job!

@Jaime, nice to see lots of functions going on there… :smile: Very professional and well laid out. Your efforts certainly shows some payoff going on there :smile: Very nice indeed. Cheers !!!

Thanks @angela here is the public link:


Thanks @cyberdave :smiley: im working hard to design sites more functional