Adding a Button to a dropdown

Is it possible to add a button inside the top of a dropdown menu?

So in the example in my screenshot I have my dropdown made and I want to move the plus icon inside of the top of the dropdown menu as a button in the location it’s at now but within the top of the dropdown.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Just drag and drop it inside the dropdown element.

So I tried doing that and changing the dropdown layout to flex but I can’t seem to get the button to align to the right? It’s just showing up below the text.

You can use flexbox to align elements inside the dropdown elements.

That’s what I tried but the button is below the text. I can’t get it to align to the right.


Can you share your read only link please?

I see what the issue is, insert a div block into your dropdown element and apply flexbox to that div then insert the text and the image there to align correctly

Perfect, that worked.

Thanks for your help!