Adding buttons to blog posts


I’d like to add buttons to blog posts on an individual basis. For example, I want to recreate the “Get Your Copy” button on this post on the Squarespace site we’re migrating from to Webflow: How to evaluate conferences as a potential sponsor | Circa Blog.

It seems you can’t add buttons in the editor, only in the designer. But I can’t figure out how to edit individual blog posts in the designer. I only see the option to edit the blog post template.

Can someone tell me how I can customize the design (and add buttons) for individual blog posts that belong to a collection?


Here is my site Read-Only:

My live link is:

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Hello @cassandra

You can use the switch field for displaying the button only for specific posts. I will do a quick screen record to show you.

But yea :smile: I can’t add fields because the link is a read-only link.

Go to blog collection and add a new field > switch > Switch field | Webflow University

The next step is to create the GET YOUR COPY cta section. Using the conditional visibility you can display the GET YOUR COPY section only for posts who have the switch turned to yes.

Hope this helps

Piter :webflow_heart:

Finally figured this out. Basically in the CMS blog post, add a code embed block, then you’ll need to add some inline CSS styles to prevent the Rich Text Block from forcing its ‘a’ class attributes such as text color. Here’s the inline embed code I used to re-create a button:

<div style="margin-top:10px; margin-bottom:60px"><a class="button-blog w button" style="color:#ffffff; border:0px;" href="/page-link-here/">Button text here</a></div>
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