Another VH problem :))) -

Been looking around the forum for a solution to my problem for some days now. Nothing seems to work or help. My main problem is making the viewport height showing 100% It should be very noticeable in the linked video :stuck_out_tongue: .
Anyone got a solution?

Problem :

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You see my mouse pointer to the right inthis screen shot? The margin: -30px auto auto.
That is on your body tag. As I expected, you have a negative margin (-30px to be exact) that affects your entire page (because body tag) and thus; your hero.

When I scrap that rule; it looks as intended:

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You’re a saint thank you!

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My pleasure my treasure :kissing_heart:


Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.