Any "comment" plugin that you use for your sites?

Hi there,

I thought about the integration of a comment-feature for our internal website.

This plugin should only let registrered users allow to make a comment, but unlike “disqus” not give “strangers” (with social login) a possibility to register and/or make a comment.

Any recommendations?


Hi, @Daniel_Schultheiss

Registered where?

Within that plugin.

Like when you see the integration of “disqus” there are several login/register entries next to the comment form. I dont want that. I want control over who is registering for commenting and who can post comments on that site / plugin - that will then be shown on my site.

Disqus also lets “regular” registered users and via facebook/twitter/a.s.o. post something on the site, when he/she has the url.

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