Blue line between sections

Can someone please advise why I have a blue line between my first 2 sections and how to fix it? My first section contains a background video. The site is not complete yet, I’m a newbie. Thanks

Here’s my share link

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)


Click between your video and the next section. It’s a difficult to hit line that is a dual class called: HeroSection Centered (Top Red Box) in the Styles tab. It may take a few clicks between the sections to hit the mark. Scrolling down in the properties interface to Border, you’ll see that there is a bottom border on it that is colored a baby blue. (See below)

Once you have it picked, click the “x” in the border box (Yellow Box in the picture below) to remove it! Done! :wink:

Take care,

itbrian40 thank you so much, all fixed. It was driving me crazy.


You are welcome! :wine_glass:

Take Care,

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