Bug in sequence interactions

I made an interaction to increase the widht and to appear the content, but wanted to make the boxes open one after the other, but the one in the middle (animation “rack 3”) does not seem to be working, can anyone see what it is?

one thing that happened is that I accidentally clicked and deleted the animation 3, I pressed ctrl + z and saw that it had stopped working, I deleted and redo the animation but continued with the error.

Preview: http://relatorio-lance-perfeito.webflow.io/

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/relatorio-lance-perfeito?utm_source=relatorio-lance-perfeito&preview=a8ab1237fe5460c2eb37cbde38a9efe5

Hi @lucaspchara

Thanks for posting about this — it definitely sounds like odd behavior.

I took a look at your project and it looks like you have quite a few interactions (they look great!).

Can you please clarify which interactions you are referring to? If you can provide a screenshot or recording here that is also very helpful (CloudApp or Quicktime work well).

Could you also please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page?

There should be a small share link when you visit the page which you can send to me.

Thanks in advance!

Thanks for the reply, but I already found out what it was! :slight_smile:

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