Can someone help me link Projects in the Navigation on Project 1 Page back to the projects section on the home page

This is a link to project one. In the navigation of this page, I am trying to link back to the projects title on the Home page. I tried to use /home/#projects, so that when I click on projects in the navigation it takes me to the home page where the projects are displayed. This does not happen for some reason…

Can someone help me?


Hey @Tania_Sharma

I see that the ID of the projects section is allprojects. Try using /home#allprojects > publish to check. Tell what happened.

Piter :webflow_heart:

I was following the steps on this tutorial:
However, if you watch the video they are saying we should use '/#projects instead of /#projects. The first one doesn’t work at all. Your question gave me the answer :webflow_heart:

For me, I had to edit the projects settings in the nav link settings to be:

  • Type: Section

All the other links we setup in the course were:

  • Type: Page or External URL

hope this helps.