Can we integrate adobe xd to webflow?

Hi everyone !
I saw a blog post about adobe XD and webflow but i don’t understand that much…

How can we bring our adobe project to our webflow ? I don’t know if it is just to redo the same thing as our adobe xd project or copy paste it ? Need help or just some clarification!

Thanks !

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Adobe XD, figma, sketch are all design prototype tools. Webflow is a production tool.

A typical work flow is to design the website in xd (or other program) and then build it with webflow. This will save time as apposed to designing and building with webflow. Designing in xd is fast for thinking about how you want it to look and you because you aren’t worried about the technical side. And when you begin to actually build it then you have the design to follow which makes that part faster because you have a full vision of what you want. Hope that makes sense.