Can't get close interaction to work

I’m trying to follow this tutorial here:

I’m up to the point where I’m adding a “close” link to the chapters navigation. I believe I’ve followed everything exactly, but my close link isn’t working.

It works if I move it into the right side div, but it doesn’t work where it’s supposed to be positioned. (i.e., inside the div it’s affecting.)

It will change the opacity of the div. Just no sliding.

Any ideas?

I’m sitting here changing lots of things, trying to find the magic trick, but it’s probably more efficient just to ask :slight_smile:

Hi @arulz, thanks for the post and sorry for the late reply!

Could you help to share the read-only link to the site, let us know what page and take a screenshot of the affected elements, and share that info? Share a read-only link | Webflow University

I promise to take a look :slight_smile:

Here is the read-only link:

The issue is with the chapters template.

If you preview and click the “show all chapters” button in the lower left, and then try to close it with the “close” link in the upper left, you’ll see that it doesn’t slide back. Just sits there like a lump.

Hi @arulz, thanks for the link. It looks like there is an an interaction assigned to the chapterWrapper element, which is cancelling out the interaction applied to the close button.

I would remove that interaction and then try to preview the change/result:

Set interaction to None:

I hope this helps!

Woohoo! Thanks Dave :slight_smile:

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