Can't put "Gradient" on Dynamic Content Image?

Hi All,

Any ideas on this? I can’t seem to put a “Linear Gradient” on a “div” in a “Dynamic List” with the “Background image taken from the CMS item”

never been a problem in the past?

Here’s a link:

Cheers, Aaron.

Was just about to post this issue as well. Ditto, and I really need this functionality to work.

Also, when you link a dynamic image the toolbar shows a generic background image, not the dynamically linked image – not a show-stopper, but the visual feedback is off-putting the first time someone might learn and use the feature.


Never mind (for now, at least). The work-around is to attach a Div. to the Section that’s absolute positioned, is same height, etc. (as if you were creating an interactive overlay); add a gradient to the div; done.

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