Change site title name

For some reason the title remains “Slate Template” even though I updated the Dashboard How do I change it?

Nevermind. Found it under SEO. Expected it to be in the top level Settings page next to Favicon.

Take that back. I changed the Title and Description under SEO settings but the website title, when going to [domain] still says “Slate Template” Which value controls this title?

Have you checked the SEO fields inside of the settings for each page? I was running into the same question and just found that. The SEO title and description in the site settings will apply to every page unless there is something in the page setting fields, and then those take priority. So perhaps the template page names had those fields filled by default? If so, either emptying them or correcting them (so you can optimize SEO for each page’s content) should do the trick.

Ok confirmed it’s SEO and remember to Publish to see changes.

I still think Title should be in the first tab of Settings.

@FanCrowd By default we set the SEO Title to be the same as the Website Name. But we separate the two because the have different purposes. We have a note next to the title saying that you will need to go to the SEO tab to edit the SEO title.

Yup just saw that after careful review. I must have glanced through it initially.