Change underline spacing and width


I have a text link with underline, would like to increase the spacing between underline and text. also, if possible, change the default width. is it possible to specifically to target a specific link and set custom html to change that?

thank you very much!

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I recommend removing the underline. And instead add a bottom border and change font line height and element padding. :slight_smile:

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thank you @Waldo, the problem is that the link spans the whole with, and so adding a border stretches the whole width. what’s the best way to have the text-link container reach only the text width?

Adjust the width of the link to the width of the text and then add margin on left and right of it :smile: @rotem

Let me know if you have any questions :smile:


thanks @Waldo, would it be possible to PM for a moment and send you the read-only link?
I have a navbar issue which I can’t seem to solve…

Sure thing, no need to ask :slight_smile: just send me a message. I’m out this evening but can get to it tomorrow :smile:


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