Changing - Default Text Link Color

I’m stumped. There is probably a simple answer to this but I can’t seem to find it. When designating a word inside a para or text block as a link Webflow gives it a default color (style) - it appears there are two defaults depending on the type of link. How do you change the default style (color)? Thanks.

Hi, check out this video:

That shows how to do styles using inline links, but the same steps to style any kind of link. Cheers

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Thanks Dave. Just what I needed.

That PANEL - CURRENT SELECTOR settings is NOT PRESENT in my Webflow Designer panel. -_- What’s up with my account?

I’m under: Windows 7 x32 and Chrome v41

Really great discussion,and i get to know the problem i dealing from last two days. 49 webstreet are creative Graphic Design Chandigarh

nevermind about my last comment. I already figured it out. I got the new interface, which confuses me comparing it to the ones you showed on the video. but its all good now. Thanks =)

Hi @joeyocaro, yeah, sorry about the confusion there ! We are in the process of creating new videos and updated help contents. If you have any questions about something that you think might have changed, feel free to post a question on that. Cheers, Dave

Hi Dave, It’s all good. I’m getting the hang of things here with webflow. What a great tool! I’ll ask later, soon as I encounter a problem. But most what I have in mind are more into suggestions =) But it’s a different topic now. Thanks Again Dave!