Changing the "Please select an item in the list." text in forms

Hi there,

Is there any way to change the “Please select an item in the list.” text in the forms when someone doesn’t fill out a required field?


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I’m also trying to figure out how to target this and edit it. It’s also different on iOS. It looks terrible and I really want to target it and fix it.

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This is a great idea. It would be nice if we could change the popup to be form-field specific. For example “Please enter your name” or “must be a valid email address”.

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Wow, that’s really bad… ,//

I’ll track this thread for a solution. This needs to be editable when you, for example, consider multilinguity.


Is there seriously no solution for this?

That’s not Webflow’s message, that’s the browser’s own forms-validation message.
Based on the styling, I’d guess you’re using Chrome?

There are no styling options that I’m aware of, however some browsers allow you to “add” instructional text by adding the title custom attribute to that element.

Check out my notes at the bottom of this page;

With some programming, I think you can override the invalid event during forms validation and replace the message with your own. There are probably js libraries out there that allow you to create your own script-based UI as well, to fully style the message.