Click to hide an element and show another element at the same time

Hey there,
I want to hide a text and reveal another text by clicking on a button.

Create an interaction on the element you want to click. Add a click trigger and make it target your disappearing object, make it disappear. Add another click trigger and target the appearing element, make it appear.

Next steps:

  • If the answers from the tutorials and/or duplicate(s) don’t fully address your question, please edit your question to tell us why.
  • If you have tried one of the above but have difficulty implementing the solution, please describe in detail what you have already tried.

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Problem solved, Thanks a lot :wink:

hey guys,

How can I achieve the section in the webflow homepage depicted on image below? CMS or interactions? I need to create a list in which items trigger different GIF/Videos. Can you provide guidance?

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