Cloning and or Finding ANYTHING else In the University Site

Hi @Jon_Lyle

I’ll move the post to the ‘Feedback’ category as the team use that to inform the shape of the help area (aka university). I think they now have a team devoted to growing the content in this area.

My approach is searching on the Webflow university first - checking out the video - and reading the documentation beneath it. If I can’t find an answer there - over to Google - which more often than not finds a post/posts here in the forum (native search also up top there on the right).

If you can’t see an answer here in the forums - create a new post and ask away - we’ll happily point you in the right direction, and some even provide mini video demos for fellow community members.

I know you mention not having hours to figure things out - Webflow aims to be a professional but accessible tool giving the same power as coding html and css - so like learning Photoshop or Illustrator there is a learning curve which takes some investment of time. On the other hand Webflow also competes with the quick-site builders by providing free or paid templates to start from. (note: each of those can also be opened in ‘designer’ view to see how they were built)

Onto your specific query - hopefully I can help :slightly_smiling_face:

  • Cloning sites has been around for quite a while, whereas copy/paste is a new feature for individual elements. You still need to either ‘clone or own’ the site. Cloneable projects can be found at - see the ‘cloneable’ tab.

  • Essentially to copy/paste an element you need to have either made it yourself, or have cloned a project, so basically a site that you own, in your dashboard.

  • Copy/paste announcement and pointers here: New feature: Copy and paste between projects | Webflow Blog

On top of the university search, there’s also a glossary link in the university area:

Developer docs at:

Since the copy/paste announcement, a number of users including myself have made some free sites with elements you can clone/copy/paste: Free Copy/Paste elements + UI kits

(look for the ‘clone’ button to add the site to your dashboard)

  • Pixellation on university search, see attached pic, is yours different? If so might be a bug/browser issue to report

Hope all that is helpful - feel free to post Qs here on the forum :slightly_smiling_face: