CMS Date Formatting Trouble

Hey guys, I can’t seem to get the proper date formatting for the Webflow API. Here’s the raw date I’m sending to Webflow via Zapier…


And, according to @nathan’s post below it looks right.

Yet, I’m getting this error in Zapier every time…

Error: returned (400) Bad Request and said “Value is not a valid date string”

Any ideas? ¯\(ツ)

Sorry for the confusion on this one - I finally tracked down the root cause of the issue and am in the process of putting a fix together for it. I will update this thread once the fix goes live.

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Thanks @nathan! Let me know if you need any help testing it out. I’ve got a project and zap that’s ready to go.

I just deployed the fix for the time format issues with live publish. Let me know if you still see issues with it once you try setting up the zap again.

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Appears to be working now, thanks! Now I’m having another issue…

To directly publish CMS items, your staging and public-facing Collections must be consistent, so be sure to publish to all domains.

I’ll do some digging.

I am trying to import 9000 articles from a previous site into Webflow. I can’t change the Created Date built in to Webflow, so I’m including a Date field in my Collection settings to receive data from Google Sheets via a Zapier zap.

So, let me get this straight:

In order for a date field to accept a date string from google sheets via zapier, the date string coming in via Zapier needs to be in the format you’ve shown us above, correct?
Also, does this apply any differently whether the Date field includes the TimestampPicker option or not?
Also, this is the hint format that your app shows:


I should include the link to the page I’ve been reading about date formats on Zapier:

I think I’ve cracked this problem for me. I’ve tried myriad date formats hoping to pass through the correct format into Zapier and thinking it would send Webflow the correct format. Incorrect assumption.

In Google Sheets, you’ll need to format your date as above, exactly (the only problem is if you change something, there’s a chance you’ll get a duplicate).
In my case, I have thousands of articles to replublish. Reformatting more than 100 cells like this manually is dumb. Let’s try a formula:
This is in essence:
Take the first ten characters of the column "C" and add to that the Time string all the way to the Z at the end.
(where “C” is the column where I have the publish date string from the other platform you are migrating from)
Change this letter to match which column in your spreadsheet holds your desired date data.
If you’d like to include the timestamp, you’ll have to add in your own changes to that formula. You could also use some of the other DATE and TIME formulas for this, but that’s beyond scope for me.

I’m no spreadsheet guru, so I hope this helps someone else, too, in their migration to Webflow.

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