CMS Editor buggy when editing

There are seemingly a few issues with the editor again @Brando :grimacing:


When copying and pasting text from other parts of the editor, it’s like it has a mind of it’s own.
Dropdown selector on internal page links also won’t let you scroll with the mouse, it just disappears.

Using Chrome Version 68.0.3440.106,
High Sierra version 10.13.6 on Mac.

Hi @magicmark

Thanks so much for posting and for the detailed video showing the issue.

Using the steps you provided I was able to see the error on my end as well. I’ve reported it to our Content Editor team and we’ll start investigating a fix for this.

​Thanks in advance for your help and patience :bowing_man:

Hi @magicmark

Thanks again for making a post about this issue.

Our team was able to push a fix for the cutting / pasting issues.

Can you please test this on your end and confirm the issue is resolved?

​Thanks in advance.

Hi @Brando

That’s great, seems a lot better now. Thank you for getting it sorted and getting back to me as always.

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