CMS item with multiple dates

Is there any way to create an item that can have multiple dates? For example I’m making a collection of events/shows and some of them are each week, Thursday through Sundays every week for a month, while others are Monday, Wednesday, Friday for two weeks.

Is there a good way to do that?

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Hi, I’m facing the exact same problem… Not practical when the client operates a theater. Is there a workaround for multiple representation dates to a single play(cms item)? Thanks

Hello! Did anyone find a solution for this?

It depends what you’re trying to do with those individual event dates, but you have a few options;

Create a separate collection, e.g. Shows, and ref it to your Event collection. Shows contains just the specific performance, date, time, venue.
Then you’ll list those in a collection list on your Event collection page.

If you have too many of those, and just want a list, you can;

If you have few events and a lot of dates per event, in some cases I’ll store these in a google sheet for each event. Then use script to pull that content AJAX style from a JSON feed.

If you have a few events and a ton of dates, ongoing, I use Google Calendar. It’s more complex to integrate the feed, but it supports things like recurring dates, exceptions, etc.

If you’re doing something like selling per-event tickets you might try integrating a service like Eventbrite, and managing your individual shows there.

Depends on your needs and the UI your client likes best for managing the per-show details.