CMS Multi-tier Dropdown Menu

Hi community!

I’d like to ask for your help on how to create a 3 level structure with the CMS and using it as a dropdown menu.

I have 2 locations for products. Each one has several product categories and subcategories:


I am trying to create the structure with the CMS and I’d like to use a dropdown menu with these 3 levels, so that the user can navigate to the correspondent location/category/subcategory page.

I have tried to do this structure by creating 6 categories:

  • North Carolina Location

  • North Carolina Categories

  • North Carolina Subcategories

  • New Jersey Location

  • New Jersey Categories

  • North Carolina Subcategories

These would be tied through reference fields but since it is not possible to include a dynamic collection inside another one, I cannot make the dropdown work so that the user can navigate to the correspondent collection page.

Maybe there is another/structure way to achieve this?

Any ideas?

Thanks in advanced!

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