CMS Reference Issues

Hello Everyone,

Back story. I’m creating a website for a record label which includes Roster Pages and Release Pages.
I currently have 2 CMS Templates set. One is for Roster and one is for releases. The releases template has the releases for ALL of the artist’s music and the roster template is for the artist’s specific page.

I’m currently building out the Roster CMS template but am having trouble referencing the releases to each artist’s specific page. I created a Collection List with a reference to Releases, and have set the Filter to Equal the Artist’s Name, with the Value being the specific Artist’s name. The problem is, that it uses the specific artist’s releases on the other artist releases.

How can I reference the releases page and pull the right releases for each artist?

You can see what I’m talking about if you go to the “Rosters” CMS Template page.

Here’s the public share link:

Hey @Jereme_Wijesekera

I’m not seeing a Rosters collection template on your share link. If you can direct me to the page and collection list, I’ll take a look at it for you. Let me know. Thanks.