CMS Sub-catoegires for Music Equipment?

Client currently uses Shopify, but wants to explore other solutions for deployment since they want to get out of direct selling and focus more on affiliate sales Music etailors or mfr D2C affilite links.

He likes what I showed him on webflow so far, especially cms for custom content, and ability to customize CMS folder paths and do 301 redirects. And how to export shopify csv with main content is intact.

Deal Breaker
The deal-breaker right now is Sub-Categories on CMS.
There are hundreds of pages, but CMS does not allow sub-categories.

more specificially like this:

For example:[1…99]/guitar-brand-model-year-page[1…99]/guitar-brand-accessories-model-year-page[1-99]/keyboard-brand-model-year-page

Top categories structures would look like:
Guitars → Guitar Pedals
Guitars → Acoustic Guitars
Guitars → Electric Guitars
Guitars → Guitar Accessories
Guitars → Guitar Cases
Keyboards → Digital Keyboards
Keyboards → Analog keyboards
Keyboards → Keyboard Accessories
Keyboards → Keyboard Cases
DAW Software
Mixing Boards

How do you do dual (tripple?) CMS folder paths in webflow?
Not to be confused with relative refernce fields.

Alternatively - Would breaking the 100 page limit be viaableviable and using Dynamic Symbols instead on each page with dustom dual/triple paths? How much does it cost to have 1000+ non CMS pages on webflow? Would it slow webflows Page navigator?

Easy. You don’t as in not supported.

Since 100 is the limit to what is currently offered it’s not an option.

Maybe you need to match them to a CMS that does not have these restrictions. It’s what I do when WF is not a fit.