Connecting a menu button to a blog

I would like to place a button on my Navbar that links directly to my current blog post 9template page. Right now the way it’s set up, when I click the “blog” button On my nav bar and it takes me to a collection page which has my current blog post. So essentially I have that page as well as my template page. Both pages are exactly the same. I would like to link directly to the template page, but I can’t seem to get that to work. Any suggestions?

A step by step description would be greatly appreciated.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @paint.you1830,

There is no template page… there are posts pages.
Do you mean you want to have a button linked to a specific blog post?

Thanks for looking.

I’ve circled the two. Blog page and template.

You need to click on the image to see the template at the bottom.

Yea, on the project of course you have a template page, but on the published site, it is not a template page but a blog post page.
If you go to the template page, even inside the designer, you will see a blog post, not a template…