Create more options, standard text, for Robots.txt

This would be easy for others who don’t understand the Robots.txt
A standaard Allow: / text already published…

Hi @Koen, what is it you want to do, disallow indexing by robot or allow it? I agree, we need some better instruction for this. @thewonglv also so he knows.

Cheers, Dave

Great idea @Koen! I’ll share this with the team - hopefully we can implement something like this in the future. If you can, as @cyberdave mentioned, please add some more details to this thread and maybe others will chime in too :smile:

Hi @cyberdave, if we started automaticly with “Allow: /”
Google gives your site 1 or 2 points extra!
i don’t think Onepagers have to hide something.

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@Koen, perhaps having a multi-selection, either allow or disallow or custom… what about something like that?

Cheers, Dave

Yes, that good be good! or…generating complete txt with all sections allow, and disalow by hand?

Did anything ever happen with this suggestion / wish list @cyberdave @thewonglv @Koen

HI @Aimanisms, thanks for following up on this! I’ve submitted a request to have the robots.txt boilerplate info to be included as placeholder text. Hoping we can get this up for you guys right away! :slight_smile:


When you’re in the designer, and you click the page button in the top left to see a list of your pages, and each page has the settings gear allowing you to make basic SEO edits, there should be an option “add this page to robots.txt” or “disallow this page from googlebots” or whatever.