Creating a new layout without messing with old styles

Hi, everyone.

As you know, from time to time we (and our clients) feel the necessity of getting a new fresh look of our websites. And as the tech evolves we get newer resources and ways of getting a website done (not to mention our evolution in creating with webflow - making fewer mistakes, using the elements better and so on…).

Well, this is my case right now, I’ve designed a new layout and I want to create it in webflow in a website that is already hosted in webflow with CMS plan. But, how can I create a website from scratch using the same project? Because I don’t want to get lost in a ton of styles and images options from the actual website for example.

Should I create a new project and, then, transfer the CMS plan to this new project? And if it is the case, how do I transfer all the CSM content as well?

Anyway, can you guys help me with this situation? What is the best workaround for this case?

Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Hi @leandrini :slight_smile:

Great question. You can:

(*) Make sure to create a new custom date field for the published date or else all of your items will have the same published on date

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your reply. Certainly solves my question! :slight_smile:

Only one question about this:
If I’m going to create a new date field for the old itens, for now on I’ll have to input the date manually on the new posts, correct?

Hey, @PixelGeek.

So, as I’m editing my new website I got stucked on the issue that I have to upgrade my plan so I can add more CMS content. So, how am I supposed to work around this?

My website is not complete yet and if I ask for to transfer I’ll publish an incomplete website. Besides, I got some G-Ads campaigns going on and this would also affect my company.

Can you help me again?