Custom domain... not working


We have setup a custom domain, and even though I can see the correct DNS on my side I cannot see the site. What I see is the old exported site that sits on our own server.

DNS appears correct, but when I try to get to www I am redirected to the naked domain and then to the exported site, on our server, I cannot see the webflow hosted site. (which you can see here

Can anyone help?

Seems things are still propagating… but still, the redirect in and of itself is odd…

Here the naked domain looks likes its pretty weel propagated but using 2 different US VPNs and my local ISP I cannot see it…

Here not many are propagated. And this just forcibly redirects fro me, and 3 of my colleagues and many clients.

Hi @fxkevin I checked your DNS settings and they are correct. So yes, you may need to wait up to 24 hours for the propagation to finish.

hope this helps :slight_smile:

It’s been 24… might be 48 I guess. I have amended my host file for now…

From your computer, does the www load?

it works for me:


Thanks, good to know…

Now getting 503 errors…

Just us, or something else?

Error 503 first byte timeout

first byte timeout

Guru Mediation:

Details: cache-mia1320-MIA 1497589494 2903661913

Varnish cache server

Try republishing to clear the varnish cache.

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