Customizable workspace + typography enhancement

It would be a great feature to be able to customize the tools & panels.

F.ex. when working on large screen it would be great to f.ex have the layers panel visible at all time to have control over the page structure & make faster edits. Or to have the text panel visible at all time when working with typography.

It would also be great with baseline grid for making great typography on websites. See attachment from Typecast. Typecast has also some nice text «patterns» that would be great to have in Webflow.

Just some thoughts. Webflow is great and I look forward to what you have hiding up your sleeve :smile:


I second the first part of this request. :smile:

Although its possible to create symbols (which are in some way similar to <>) @perkristian mentions something wich is maybe easier to work with.

Thanks. :smiley:
How do you mean this could be accomplished by using symbols @Diu?

As I interpreted your suggestion, you’re looking for some small snippets that can be re-used in multiple websites? Like a powerpoint template?

You can do such a thing within one website by creating a symbol of something you want to use again. If you have a library of symbols, you can duplicate a certain website to use them with another project. [as it’s not possible to copy them to other projects as far as I know]