Customize 'Link to Section' Animation?

The current animation when scrolling to a #section of my site is really slow. Can this be customized? Has anyone figured out what the custom code would be to modify this behavior?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi, check the point #5 there:

:wink: There are tons of options using custom attributes.

data-scroll-time = 0 will scroll immediately to the element with no delay.
data-scroll-time = 0.75 will scroll a little faster than the default (750ms)
data-scroll-time = 1 will scroll just as fast as usual (1000ms)
data-scroll-time = 1.25 will scroll a little slower than the default (1250ms)
data-scroll-time = 2 will scroll twice as slow as usual
data-scroll-time = 20 will enable TurtleMode™

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