Displaying unique powr.io comment fields for each blog post

I added a comment section to my blog using embedded code via powr.io. The issue I’m facing is that the comments are added to every blog post, not just the post that the visitor is currently viewing. Is there a way to have unique comment sections on each blog post?

Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/lg-squared?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=lg-squared&preview=47e6002d2bf190f1670f9ed5b0933623&pageId=5d9640ec2581a444f9dbe942&itemId=5da60a462844b98631028bdf&mode=preview

Have a same problem! Any solution?

You could create a rich text field called comments within your collection and then inside the RTE create an embed within it using the embed code from your provider.