Drop down menu responsiveness help

This is regarding a drop-down menu on my site’s nav bar. The template I am using had 3 drop-down menus in the navbar already, and they work fine. I needed to add a 4th, and have added a drop down menu but the issue is this: in the drop down buttons that came with my template, they open when the mouse clicks on the title for that drop down menu. For example, my “Home” drops down. For the new one I am trying to add, which is the “Support” button, I need to add a drop down here so I can add children/grandchildren to the support page. But the title and the drop down button work as two separate buttons, not a single one like my Home button does. I cannot figure out why or how to make the Support button work like the other ones. I think it would be confusing for users.

Can anyone take a look at this and tell me what I might be doing wrong to get this to work right?

Here is my read only link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/center-for-swedenborgian-studies?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=center-for-swedenborgian-studies&preview=1ef567ac15cc2ed05629894d212e5721&pageId=5d8a6932689f277cc970a71b&mode=preview

Thanks in advance!

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)