Duplicate content on CMS collection page


I was wondering, if you make the same content on multiple collection pages, if it will be defined as dublicate content by google?

Hope anyone will help me? :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

My humble view (after googling the %$@# out of this topic a while back) is that this is ok so long as there is enough unique content to accompany the duplicate content on that page. So you may have a location page that has the same products as every other page, but it also has unique location content like “recent work” or team members etc that make it unique.

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Thank you for your reply.
It’s product pages and with different products and some unique content, so i will try it out :slight_smile:

I think this is a good read https://www.hobo-web.co.uk/duplicate-content-problems/. Commentary around copied versus duplicate content in particular