E-commerce - Customer Order page

Hi guys

A client is looking to create a login page for customers so they can view any orders they have previously bought from the site. Similar to what you can do with Amazon when you log in and are able to see all the previous purchases you have made.

Is this available to create in webflow for people? I haven’t been seeing much online.

I know the e-commerce offers order forms emailed to the customer but can they have similar logging into a site?


This isn’t possible natively at the moment but they did give an update at the recent World Tour that this is something (alongside some other great features) coming soon to the platform. Unfortunately they don’t provide exact timelines for feature releases but they do include teases and updates as things get closer to launching.

That said, this feature is the most requested Wishlist item and you can subscribe to updates on the feature when more details are available.

Hopefully that helps :+1:

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Thanks dude! That’s helped and solved the issue for me :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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