Ecommerce product description/faq/details/speed/script error

Hi there, I’m close to getting really insane! I updated all my products including description, faq, details so far almost 6 times and eachtime I need to start from scratch and I don’t know WHY?
I imported my CSV file everything fine but given that my client hasn’t done the texts proberly I needed to change the texts, said and done. But the next morning or the next time when I changed something in the designer according to DESIGN or when I got back in time to an older backup from my project, I need to renew all the texts for my products- I NEED TO STOP THIS.

Also I face terrible speed quality when it comes to work on my project in webflow, someone else here who faces the same problem, for me it’s alway around the same time.

Further checking my project on some mobile devices/PHONE, I get a script error, saying that one of the scripts of my project has an script error or the script doesn’t anser?

Also I saw that my project when viewing it in live mode, it loads everything the moment the website/shop is loaded for the first time, which makes it of course super slow. Shouldn’t it be the case that it only loads whats necessary for the current place I am??? Maybe there is just a checkbox to check, hopefully. Any ideas who I can fix this. Here is the link to my project

Thanks Michael

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

In one of my shops i did have a BG video on the first page. I did have some speed problems. I decided to change to a image and all was ok for me. Wjhy don’t you try? It’s not a solution but i think you should try. Video on the mobile device is very slow

Hi Janna, thanks for your fast reply:)) actually this is my last option, in case I can’t manage it otherwise. The super interesting thing is, viewing my project on my iphone 10 I don’t get any script error, I mean it doesn’t load that fast but also not that slow. Of course I know, especially with video, it’s a good idea to provide different versions and formats for it for ios and android and in case you do so, the site should load from 1 to x and stop loading when the right version for the users devise is loading but as far as I can see, even when loading on desktop, my project loads everything the moment you insert the domain in the browser no matter where you are. for example stripe, paypal and so. eventhough I just want to see the homepage:)) it’s my first project with webflow, lot to learn on the way:))

How many products do you have in your eCommerce?

Here is a site and webshop (not more then 60 products)
Try the speed here

Main page

Webshop part of same site Excellent Skin & Hair - Webshop

right now we have about 109 products but there are coming more up to 300 at all. thanks for the example, I’ll check it out right now. Thanks, Michael

Here is another sit, this one have about 45 products for the meoment. This one load the products on the first/main page. This is the one i hade to remove the BG Video from because of performance. It seems to me that the problem with BG video is on the start page