Embedding Typeform popup into a button

Hi Webflow Community,

I am trying to embed a Typeform form and have it launch when someone clicks the “donate now” button on my website. I have the embeddable code that Typeform supplies (copied below), but not sure how to launch the popup once someone clicks on the “donate now” button. Can someone help? The webpage is www.charitywell.org/enrollment and the buttons are at the top right and bottom of the webpage.

Very much would appreciate any help!

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

You will need to create a modal that is displayed when the button is clicked. This is done using interactions.

Here is a workshop where the focus is on the creation of one.



Great, thank you. I’ll try this and let you know if for some reason it doesn’t work, but looks like this is the perfect solution.

Great. Glad to have helped. There is a lot of informative content in the webflow university and the forum search feature is a great resource to use as well.