Error 404 and Domain Not working properly

Hi there,

I’m trying to link my custom domain to webflow hosting but it seems the domain can´t get linked to the hosting.

On the other hand, apparently publishing is working fine but just for the www versión not the naked one.

I would appreciate your help on this please.


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

It looks like the www version is pointed directly to the IPs. For the domain to be detected as correctly setup, instead of those A records, it expects a CNAME set to

How the domain is currently setup will work, but it is not the “optimal” setup, which is why the dashboard is suggesting the DNS records be updated.

As for publishing, have you republished your site since you set the default domain? If not republishing should publish both domains correctly.

Thanks @nathan!

Actually, i settled up a CNAME record but no sure why is not working properly or if i did something wrong…

Besides, i published again the site, but same error again… should i add the naked domain to custom domains set up?.


If you have an A record, it will override your CNAME record.

I suspect you still have A records set for www which are overriding that wildcard you have set as the CNAME.

When I query, the DNS response is an A record, not a CNAME. However when I query, I do get the CNAME response as specified in that screenshot.

On the other hand, apparently publishing is working fine but just for the www versión not the naked one.

I see the problem now - you haven’t actually added the naked domain to your site, you’ve only added the www domain. When you add the naked domain and then publish, it should work.

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Thanks @nathan and @samliew!

Then i should remove the “www” records created and keep the “@” records right?

Hey Sam,

But in the instructions it says to add 2 A records… is that wrong?

I realize this is an old thread, but I’m having the same issue as @Dave01. I have a number of domains pointing to the same Webflow site. Most of them have linked just fine, but for some reason I have a few domains that I’m unable to “link” to Webflow. I get the same messages (unlinked) no matter what I do, even though I’m repeating the exact same steps and informations in the DNS settings.

Here’s an example of a domain that I’m not able to link (

And what I see in Webflow:

And what I see when I “expand” the Unlinked button:

And here are my DNS settings for one of my domains that is linked successfully in Webflow (as you can see, I’m using the exact same settings, and this one works…):

My settings are exactly how it says in the Webflow instructions, and they’re the exact same for those of my domains that DO work. I’m baffled… any thoughts on what I’m doing wrong???